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Showing posts from April, 2022

Why ph range is between 0 to 14 | Why Are pH Values Only In A Range of 0-14

Why ph range is between 0 to 14 | Why Are pH Values Only In A Range of 0-14 Value of pH is determined between 0 and 14 that shows the alkalinity and acidity of the solution. pH 7 is considered as neutral. Curiosity is the first and foremost trait of a science student. Remember when your chemistry teacher in high school taught you about the pH scale? Remember how you were told pH value is measured between 0 and 14? Well, if you are reading this, you're probably a science enthusiast and probably do have the basic traits of a science student. So if you did wonder why pH is measured only on a scale of 0 to 14 and not negative values or in 100s, you can get the answer to that question here. The answer is, well, pH is not actually measured between 0 and 14. Most commonly found solutions have their pH value lying between this range, but in fact, the pH value of a solution can be lesser or greater than this range. The general definition of the pH val ue of a solution is the negative base-1